For the CAN input, are there any side effects to it being negative 1?
1) if i set it to 1000 and not send a continuous frame output turns off after 1 second.
2) if i set it to 0 it remains at default value indefinately, even when i send frame to enable it.
3) setting timeout to -1 for CAN input seems to allow the CAN data frame to trigger a latch mode which doesnt require persistant frames to keep active, basically, 1 frame to turn on, and one to turn off.
is this the intended way to use latching outputs?
Please refer to the instructions or hover over the label for a description of what the timeout value does.
Thank you for making me aware that the timeout value can be set to a negative value. This is a bug and it will be fixed in the next FW release. Please dont rely on this behavior, what you are seeing is that the timeout value is actually very large when you enter a negative value (signed to unsigned conversion.).