Hello everyone. I noticed in the latest software release there is mention of support for the PKP-3500-SI-MT keypad. I am seeking more information on this support as I have not been able to find anything besides the passing comment in the update.
How do you envision the dials being used? As they customizable in the UI or will I have to map the CAN messages?
I struggled with the ability to determine if the dial was rotated Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise, and George was very helpful in creating a method to create an method to determine it. However there is a CANopen Message which indicates which direction and how many ticks the knob has been turned. This resets after the knob stops moving and the message is sent, i.e. turn the knob 3 ticks clockwise and it will tell you 3 ticks clockwise and reset to 0. The next turn could be 2 ticks counter-clockwise and it will report 2 ticks counter-clockwise. The hard number which represents the knob position, and usually the accompanying LEDs, is independent of this message. I have attached an excerpt of the Blink CANopen manual for this. I have successful read the message as well as used the messages for things like sending LED changes based on otherwise unsupported functions (I have a flash-to-pass function on a button and it now turns all background-color LEDs to 100% brightness Blue while the button is held, release it allows it to go back to white/blue (background color). So lots of fun things to do!
Josh - I would love to learn more as well! I battle to find information and will share with you as I come into more details!
What is the link to the suggested video above?
Thank you George. I look forward to trying it out.
Hi Josh,
I hope to get a video out in the next week showing how the dials can be used. They work as follows -
There are 16 LEDs in a ring. LED 0 is at 6 o'clock, and each LED follows on in a clockwise direction.
In the config software, as you move the dial, the CAN Keypad Dial Value increments/ decrements. The CAN Keypad Dial Value is accessible as a variable in the PDM.
You can choose a minimum value and a maximum value which the dial value will operate in between 0-16. No matter how much you move the dial, the dial value will stay between the minimum and maximum value.
You can also set an LED offset, so that dial value 0 can start from LED 0 to LED 15.