Hola a todos, espero el idioma no sea un problema para pedir ayuda.
Tengo un tablero IQ3 Racepack Fueltech (modelo antiguo ya descontinuado), el cual solo puede comunicarse de manera directa con ECU FuelTech CAN 1.0 y he pensado en la opcion de conectar el IQ3 al los datos de salida CAN del PDM15 de tal manera que funcione como un transformador de lenguaje ya que el vehiculo opera con EMS Haltech Elite y no encuentro posibilidad de conexion entre HT y FT.
Resumiedo y aclarando mi pregunta... Es posible conectar el IQ3 FTCAN 1.0 al CAN de salida del PDM15 Hardwire?
Can you explain your goal more detailed?
Because, you wrote that you want to use the PDM to translate and connect your Haltech ECU to the special Racepack display (which uses Fueltech style communication). The PDM has only one CAN connection. So you can do message conversation/remapping only. You can't change the bitrate between the connected devices.
Fueltech uses 1Mbit at all them devices. So the the display may requires it to.
you may be able to add a blue V-Net EFI CAN Module. I dont recall if the Fueltech version needed a cable to convert Yellow V-Net to Blue V-Net. The Haltech versions had Red to Blue. FT CAN 1.0 is probably not as well documented so it may be tough to get all the info needed. Maybe more cost effective to get a dash compatible with your ECU.
Hi, it will be possible yes, but i am not sure how because i dont know the format of the IQ3 data. Do you have any more info on this?