I haven't programmed one of these in a while so as usual I am not doing well. I updated the firmware. It's a PDM 25 and for starters I can't get the keypad to work. It has power and ground but when I set it up it doesn't show as connected in the monitor and it doesn't light up except when it is first turned on.
Any thoughts?
I would say this is going to be down to the settings on the keypad not being what you expect. As someone else has mentioned, these keypads can be configured in many speeds and can be setup to talk CANOPEN or J1939 protocol. If you buy a keypad from Hardwire they come pre-configured with the right ID and usually 1000kb/s speed, but if you buy from other sources they can be set to 125kbps, 250kbps etc so you might need to just use ID21 and try different speeds on your PDM CANBUS to see if any of them work. If you've tried all the different speeds then it might be the protocol that is wrong or the ID..... you should be able to use the CAN analyser in the PDM to see what sort of packets you're seeing coming in since that's the only CAN device it should be easy to spot. If you're seeing nothing then you have a wiring issue or at worst a failed CAN interface on the PDM. I have seen these fail when users have wired them incorrectly previously with power connected to the CAN pins, but not seen any failures in normal operation.