Reading through the manual this feature is described as..
"After an output is commanded to turn off, the output will remain switch on for the stay on time, before turning off"
My question is as follows:
Let's assume I have configured output-2 with a stay on time of 1sec.
If I then reference output-2 status as a variable to form part of function to drive another output, will output-2 be evaluated as 'true' whilst within that 1 sec stay-on period or would it be false since the output has already been instructed to switch off?
I'm hoping its the former, but I don't yet have a PDM to confirm.
Thanks Rob
That's great - thankyou
Hi Robert, That is a good question, thank you for asking. The status of an output reflects the on/off status of an output. So the status of the output will be 'True' even when operating in the 'Stay on Time' region. I hope this answers your question.