How do i configure an CAN output so it triggers/sends the value when the channel status equals 1 and then also 0?
As it is now, using the trigger to send the value(s) when for example the indicators are enabled will just send it when the outputs goes to true/1, and then they are never sent when the outputs are disabled.
I'm guessing it would be better to not have this being sent constantly over the CAN-bus if it can be avoided, hence using the trigger mechanic instead of periodic sending.
the 50 max limit for periodic seemed fast for periodic messages, as an alternate way i setup a 1000ms timer (1000 on, 10 off), and applied the CAN Output to that (use Trigger mode). Now the state is displayed on the bus every second
be aware that if you have a triggered output and your device doesn't catch it (faulty bus, device offline). periodic messages allow devices to always sync at a known value especially when the fault recovers.