Evening, I’m trying to use the CAN function to trigger indications (lights on, full beam, indicator, etc) on my dashboard. The relevant inputs are working and functional but I can’t get the dash to see them over CAN.
Unfortuantly I can’t adjust the can addresses the dash reads for these inputs so need to set up hardwire to cater for it.
I’ve been told the base address should be 601, and the the digital inputs 1-7 are LS first, unsigned, width 1, and that bit 7 of each byte should represent on/off
Digital input 1 should be start position 7, DI2 start position 15, and so on.
below is how I’ve set the PDM up, am I close or got it completely wrong?

Spending today having a play about, I think the issue is in the LSB requirement. I’m assuming the PDM sends in MSB?